We are looking for a Club Officer for 20 hours a week £12 hr. The main duties are all aspects of Admin for the club, including use of various IT packages ( mainly IG, BRS and Office) welcoming vistors and liaising wih the Club Directors and Committees.Please apply by email ryde.golfclub@btconnect.com or writing to RGC, binstead Rd PO33 3NF.The closing date is Friday 25th February 2022.
Brief Job Description
Club Officer
- To promote and maintain the good reputation of RGC
- To be polite, welcoming and cooperative in order to assist the directors, staff and members at all times
- Taking bookings for play, buggies etc
- Welcome and inform visitors
- Maintaining the club calendar
- Update the website
- Ensure the club facilities are well maintained and any contractors perform their duties in accordance with their contracts
- To take note of all aspects of RGC activities and report to the directors on any matters which need attention
- To act as administration support to the directors when required
- To help with the promotion of RGC to potential members, visitors and community
- To work with relevant directors in supporting HR, the greens staff, bar and catering, Health and Safety , Finance, Business , Marketing and IT
- Any other role deemed appropriate by the directors