Monday 27th July 2020
6 pm Ryde Golf Club
PRESENT: Sue Harrison, Darren Baxter, Steve Tutt, Aidie Adams, Lee Cawley, Sue Cox
APOLOGIES: Mick Timms, Matt Barnicoat, Marian Johnson, Maurice Briggs
APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Minutes from meeting 22.6.20- Agreed
RBS booking system- now installed and working well. Many members managing their own bookings. Item to be included in newsletter with advice of use of the system to encourage greater uptake.
Play more Golf- These members have been advised to book their tee times on BRS after booking with Play more golf
Development at Ryde House- Details of latest update on this are on the website (Latest News)
Cleaning hours need to be clearly defined- Kay should have up to 6 hours of cleaning time included in her hours.
Both Kay and Laura need to be implementing the “touch point” cleaning as the need has been identified to comply with Covid 19 Regulations.
Paper towels to be provided for changing rooms
AP Sue H- to share cleaning routine with SC & LC.
Ensure Hand cream is provided for Kitchen staff- to be ordered by staff.
Top Mops deep clean scheduled for 3/8/2020 and Laura obtaining quotes for oven cleaning
AP ST to follow up
New glass cleaner has been installed and is in use.
Question was raised regarding insurance cover for Road/people along 3rd tee/fairway with the increased traffic. Providing both the members and the public abide by the warning notices and take due care insurance will cover both.
Jim Thorn has requested use of practice area for Junior coaching- agreed this can be booked out through BRS system.
Jim will ensure that all the necessary safety measures are in place e.g. DBS checks etc. and will liaise with ST for any cost involved.
Golf union fixtures are currently being decided. Once all the dates are available SH with correlate next year’s fixture list.
Our updated fixture list for the remaining part of the year in now on the website.
Captain’s day scheduled for 15/8/20 will be a mixed event for the captains due to the shorter season.
Communication within sections is considered to be good, however inter-section communication needs to be improved. To address this better use is to be made of the website and an official Facebook page to be set up.
AP DB to try to have unofficial sites removed.
The new golf software program to replace COBRA has been ordered and will be ready for use with the World handicap system.
Members will be able to download the app for a one off charge of £1.99 and will be able to use it for a range of uses, including entry to competitions
Finance Report 27th July 2020
- The bank balance as at 23rd July is £62,000
- We owe members £57,700. Most of this is repayable in August this year but majority are happy to take up new 2 year loan deal. The break-even budget includes paying back £15k.
- Last Year’s Financials update – Income £4k lower than budget for full year ( £9k lower in 4th Qtr. Jan – Mar )
- Major Income lines from 1st Quarter Apr 20- Jun 20 totals £49.2k , ( 1st Qtr. last year was £79k ) which is £700 lower than budget mainly due to subs
- Major Income lines from July 20 Budget £10.7k , Actual Income to 20th July £10.9k
- Bar & Food Prices – proposal to hold current prices
- New Members 42 ( including 3 PMG )
Vs. members resigned 10, plus 4 PMG expired, plus 20 to follow up.
R&A GRANT –To be applied for by 31/7/20- ST & MB working on application
MEMBERS LOANS vs INTEREST FREE LOANS- Interest free loans are available to apply for and this may be worth consideration.
EAT OUT TO HELP OUT AUGUST – decided that this wasn’t appropriate for our business due to the cost of administration.
AP Matt to provide a plan for course maintenance and expenditure. Attention is required to the greens in particular.
Complaints have been received about debris around the course- to be discussed with greens staff to understand reasons for this.
Course needs to be regraded and stroke indexes adjusted in advance of slope rating and new cards.
Re-opening of the club house has gone well. Menu was originally restricted in line with the regulations, as restrictions are lifted plan is to increase the menu options. The course has been busy and having Marshalls identified that longer club opening hours would increase the revenue from green fees. Lee is therefore covering the bar/club house on the evenings it is not already open to establish the need/revenue the club is missing.
New beers have been ordered but there has been a delay in delivery due to technical issues.
Consideration to be given to what social events may be able to be held whilst adhering to the Government guidelines.
New refuse collection contract in place with J L clearance due to a price increase with previous provider.
Gates are not able to be closed and locked along Lady’s walk which is a potential risk with cyclists riding too fast along the lane.
AP- office to contact the council to repair
Ash tree along Lady’s walk is a cause for concern. Doug to be consulted.
2 Active wasps nests on the course – both currently being treated
Supervisions were all suspended from March 2020 as most staff were furloughed.
Now everyone has returned these are being arranged.
Meeting with Kay on 29/7/20 and Maurice 31/7/20
Ella Cawley may join the team to provide waitress service at busy times. Child employment permit has been applied for. Job description and contract are prepared if required
Job description required for Steve and Darren’s roles-
Discuss the contracts with Maurice to ensure all up to date.
Supervisions to be arranged for other staff members including greens staff and check all training is up to date.
No correspondence received
NEW MEMBERS: New Members 42 (including 3 PMG)
Office Equipment- Laptop had been ordered to help the office comply with social distancing measures this will allow staff to work in different spaces or from home. We will be able to maximize use of software programs already purchased.
Update from Golf Committee- report received from the golf committee and discussed.
Locker rooms – people are leaving trollies in the locker rooms when not renting lockers, members to be reminded that the space above the locker is for that person’s trolley. There are still some spare lockers- office can advise
Decided to revisit block booking for Stable ford evenings as we are losing revenue from green fees and the tee times are not being used. To maximize course use propose to block book 4-4.30 and 5-5.30 as these seem to be most popular times, however we would still like to encourage members to join in these competitions keep and will keep this under review.
Signage in the car park- New signs required for the front wall for designated parking spaces.
Guests- The visitors book is currently not in use due to Covid 19 regulations, However articles state that guests can only be signed in 4 times then the full green fee is payable. Ensure that guest name and payment is taken before play- Members to be reminded of this
Social Members- proposal to introduce a new rate of social membership for spouses/partners of full golf members from next year. Suggested fee £8.00 p.a
Monday 24th August 2020 at 6pm Ryde Golf Club.