Wednesday 13th March 2019
1.PRESENT: Mick Timms [President] , Sue Harrison , Brenda Reynolds, Steve Tutt, Aidie Adams, Lee Cawley, Darren Baxter, Jan Walker, Trevor Wheeler
2.APOLOGIES: Maurice Briggs,
3.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: agreed and signed
4.MATTERS ARISING: a disciplinary policy for employees to be brought to the next meeting
- Code of Conduct – agreed and to be placed in the changing rooms and on the website in the members’ area. There has been an issue with one of the men not following accepted behaviour on the course. This will be discussed at the next golf committee meeting
- Policies: Whistleblowing – agreed and to be added to the website
- Thanks to Debbie for organising the redecoration and I have tried to thank all the helpers personally and through the newsletter. Kevin has covered the drain in the men’s changing room!
- I have had positive feedback about the newsletter. I aim to send one out before the end of each month
- The solicitors are now dealing with Nigel, Carl and Pete together, not just Nigel. We discussed issues arising from the latest email from our solicitors. This detailed the replies to the first offer and we agreed replies to specific questions. Action: Sue to write the reply and email a draft reply to others on the executive before sending to the solicitors
- Code of Conduct. Lyn Brown and Sue Harrison will be attending Safeguarding training on Wednesday 27th March
1) Outstanding fees and process – there are outstanding fees for those paying monthly. Action: Steve to talk to those individuals
2) Membership offers 2019/2020 . it was agreed to simplify age bands into Juniors[up to 19], 19 to 40 and those over 40. This will make it much simpler for the finance manager
3) Green Fees – We discussed fees and agreed them
4) Bank reconciliation, – this is now completed up to the end of September
5)Coffee machines – The first machine will be sent back. Action: Steve to arrange for the first machine to be collected and to continue discussions with the second firm
6) Finance report 6th March 2019
The bank balance today stands at £8,771 with £1,737 to bank giving a total of £10,508.
We owe members £80,500. Of this, £27,000 is short-term, repayable when sufficient subscriptions have been received. £4,000 is to be repaid in August this year and the remaining £49,500 in the summer of 2020.
We have so far received £10,800 in subscriptions for next year, which has all been banked except for £1.080 which are uncleared card receipts.
A thanks to Maurice for all the time he has given at this very busy period
- the two mowers were not purchased but were on an operating lease. We have been given an option to buy them and they have been valued. Doug would like to buy one of them. Action: Aidie to look into the possible purchase of one mower
- The hand rails on the 16th have been completely renovated by Godfrey’s working party. Thanks again to them.
- We discussed having a new golf club sign near the road. Lee is hoping to raise money through events. We also discussed payment from those firms advertising on tees around the course.
- Mr and Mrs night went down well and will be repeated next year. There is a race night coming up April
- We discussed the purchase of roller blinds for the clubhouse lounge. Action: Lee to Liaise with Mr. Hallam
9.HEALTH & SAFETY: it was agreed to employ Xact on a 3 year contract to carry out a H & S audit. Action: Sue to contact Xact
10.HR: Brenda has carried out a supervision meeting with Doug Rigby – Greenkeeper. Aaron Smith has been taken as second greenkeeper. Hours, days of working and rates of pay were discussed with Maurice and Brenda.
He has provided a CV and reference. Maurice is issuing the appropriate paperwork and temporary contract. He is to work, as contracted hours, four hours every other weekend with time off during the week. He will work 40 hours per week at a rate of £9.00 per hour and started on Monday 11 March. Doug, Maurice and I are happy that this will be a successful appointment.
I also met with Kay for a supervision meeting to highlight some of the H and S issues around working in the kitchen. She will renew her food hygiene certificate on line and a consideration will be given to first aid training. She raised some contractual issues.
- Her contract needs to be amended to reflect the new hours worked 11.00 – 4.00
- Additional hours on Friday during evening stableford months
This also raised questions regarding manning the bar during summer months.
- Staff support or volunteers during additional opening
- Cover for Laura’s holiday May 22 – June 10. Kay is unable to cover all of this time (bar/catering) but it may be possible to take 1 week leave from her other job to cover part of the period
Action: Lee to discuss with Kay hours and days when she is willing to work
Laura’s holiday absence will leave the office unmanned for over two weeks. Decisions will need to be made to provide cover.
- A letter from J Russell was read out and it was agreed that we needed a valuation of the land. It was also discussed about the possibility of leasing the land. Action: Sue to send a reply asking if he would be interested in leasing not buying
- email from defra/naturalengland regarding coastal paths and coastal margins. An email has been sent asking for clarification that we come under “ buildings and cartilage” and would be exempt from free access for the public to walk on the land we own between Ladies Walk and the sea
12.NEW MEMBERS: the open day resulted in a few new members including some young juniors. We have not had young juniors for a few years and we discussed the issue of a named person being responsible for them and the need for that person having a CRB check
- Club house cleaning. Action: Brenda to talk to Paul about a contract from April 1st
- Discussions about the purchase of the defibrillator by the president are still ongoing
- With some members not getting emails because they did not fill in the GDPR form it was agreed that a reminder would be put on the home page of the website
DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday April 17th at 6.30pm