Wednesday 15th January 2020
Welcome from President
M Timms opened the meeting and welcomed the newly elected board members and this year’s club captains.
He expressed his thanks for the hard work & progress made by the board over the past year. It had been brought to his attention that the minutes showed that the directors had not held the required number of Executive committee meetings over the past year. It should be noted that the board did meet on the required number of occasions but the minutes were incorrectly entitled Management Meetings and not Executive Committee meetings. This will be rectified for the coming year.
Election of chair
S Harrision: proposed S Cox seconded S Tutt
Election of positions of directors
- Finance – S Tutt: proposed L Cawley seconded D Baxter
- House bar and social- L. Cawley proposed M Barnicoat seconded S Harrison
- Greens- M Barnicoat proposed S Tutt seconded L Cawley
- Human Resources –S Cox proposed L Cawley seconded M Barnicoat
- Marketing – D Baxter proposed Matt Barnicoat seconded S. Tutt
Apologies: None
Approval of the minutes from the last meeting: Approved
Matters Arising:
The Accountants have had an inspection from their governing body and they are required to formally identify the existing clients so require certain information from the Directors.
All directors were to provide photo ID and utility bill for this purpose ASAP- Action cleared
AP BR to send the terms of reference for the Golf committee to all the directors. -Action cleared
Terms of reference discussed at golf committee on 6/1/2020.
Fixture diary was printed in house which guaranteed a profit and not a loss. This can remain in house but there is potential to include sponsors to increase club revenue. Marketing director will take the lead.
Junior representative Jim Thorn has discussed plans to involve members to help support coaching for our new juniors
Update following meeting with Woodland Trust- further correspondence received relating to possible Ash die back amongst some of the trees on the course. Recommendation that club applies to the Forestry Commission for a free tree-felling licence. This will then allow the club to have a managed plan for the removal of any necessary trees without the restrictions which would apply without a licence.
AP SC to apply for licence from https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-online-for-a-felling-licence
There is significant cost involved with the average cost quoted between £400 & £500 per tree.
AP MB & ST to draw up plan in consultation with green staff. (SH to speak to P Long regarding his offer to help with this project)
It was decided that the tree by the first green poses a threat and will be taken down as a priority.
The purchase of wood from felled trees will be considered to recoup revenue for the club.
The meeting for the new handicapping system held at Freshwater was attended by J Lazell who has provided information from that meeting to the golf committee.
Chairman Report
The Chair also expressed her thanks to the board members for their support and hard work over the past year.
There is still much to do but there is a structure and a plan in place now for going forward.
There is still work to do on promotion and fund raising for the club but it is hoped that this is an area the board can focus on more in the coming year.
An action group to be formed to work on proposals for changing the Articles of Association and will require an EGM for adoption
AP MT, ST and SH
Golf committee have started to look at their draft terms of reference which will be impacted by new Articles of Association.
We on the board are responsible for everything pertaining to the club including ensuring the golf is run in accordance with legislation laid down by England Golf, CONGU and the R & A. Although this is delegated to the golf committee the Executive Committee retains responsibility.
World handicapping system [WHS]-due to be implemented November 2020.
Bookings for functions – Need to ensure that this is manged properly to avoid double booking. Also need to be clear on the booking policy. There is a deposit payable on booking and this need to be collected to ensure that any cleaning costs following a function are covered.
Finance Report 8th January 2020
- The bank balance today stands at £14,422 and we have £785 cash in hand
- We owe members £73,430. It is intended to repay £20,000 of this by 31st March and the rest is repayable between August and October of this year. Interest will be due at 3% per annum on all of this except for £15,000 which was lent to us on 31st December 2019 and is repayable, without interest, on 31st March 2020.
- Proposed Subscriptions for 20/21 – the maximum we can increase by without holding an EGM is 2 % above the previous Octobers RPI (which was 1.5%) so a total Increase of 3.5%.
(As an example the Subs and membership elements would increase by £20 from £595 to £615)
It was agreed that all subscriptions related fees would increase by 3.5 %
- New Members offers :-
Discussion re the first year single membership and 2-person membership deals.
A short temporary offer was discussed
Before these are offered further analysis of the data held is needed to get a better idea of the net benefit of these offers. Once more information is held it can be discussed at the next meeting and an informed decision made.
AP ST to provide details at next meeting.
- Company Secretary – currently Maurice Briggs. Will need to identify a suitable replacement for this job role. Responsibilities include ensuring annual accounts return is completed. Ensuring new directors are registered with Companies House & maintaining club accounts.
AP Appoint replacement prior to M Briggs departure
Course Report:
Sub -committee for greens has been set up with M Barnicoat and J Warner who will work closely with Doug and Aaron and report back to the golf committee and Board of directors on proposed changes to the course
Bar/Social Report:
Events have already been planned in for the coming 3 months. Laura has posted information on Social media and emails to those members who have agreed to GDPR
Laura is investigating costs for a deep clean to the kitchen. Some re-organisation of the kitchen layout will take place and a new freezer purchased. A budget has been set aside to cover these costs.
Glass washer – water-softener unit has been replaced and hoped that this will improve the quality of the wash. To be kept under review.
HR Report– No report for this meeting as hand over will be needed from B. Reynolds.
AP S Cox to contact BR to discuss
Health & Safety
All issues on going and being kept under review
Correspondence/ Comments Book
Proposal from J Lee regarding membership options- details discussed but after debate consider at the present time that this is not a viable option to pursue at the moment as overlaps with other incentives already in place.
AP S Cox to respond to Jamie
M Timms has received correspondence from P Fry offering assistance with organising events for our centenary celebrations together with a cheque for £100.00 to be used for the course.
Offer was discussed but Captain already has all events organised for the celebration.
AP M Timms to respond to P Fry
Letter from T Wheeler- Executive committee feel that this is an important issue that requires more investigation before decision is made. Further information & data to be gathered and then discussed at next meeting.
AP S. Harrison to update T Wheeler
New Members:
2 new junior members- details to be passed to Junior Rep
Conflict of Interest – document signed by all board members
Golf Committee- met on 6/1/2020. Discussed new draft terms of reference which will be prepared and will need to be signed off by executive committee.
The men’s section now has a committee. The handicap committee will meet to discuss requirements for the new handicapping system due to be introduced in November 2020. All clubs will need to have IT in place to support the new system and there will be an expenditure for the club to bring our systems up to date for this purpose. Boards for the new sloping system will be made with details of how to purchase them. RGC will be notified of their slope rating in good time for implementation.
Floor in office to be repaired and new floor covering – work agreed and plan in place – P Morton to carry out repairs to floor.
S. Harrison will organise a work party to carry out spring clean for Clubhouse.
Date of next meeting:
Monday 24/02/2020 at 18:15