November newsletter
We are sure it is a great relief to us all that we are back in tier 1 and we can get back to playing golf and the clubhouse is open.
However we would urge you all to socially distance, to wash your hands and/or sanitise them on entry, to wear a mask until seated and that it will be table service only.
TheĀ rectangular tables have been set with 3 seats to each, as it was when we had the first lockdown in the summer and I would ask you not to move them. There are also 3 round tables with 2 seats at each. It is still recommended that we keep to 2 metres apart and this is seating is the best option keeping to the guidelines. We know it will be awkward if playing in fours, and you can add a chair, but we hope the seating arrangement will remind you that we want you to stay as safe as possible.
We would like to thank Doug for keeping the course ready for us to restart playing and to John Thorp whom I know has been down to see him a few times this month.
The course is very wet please abide with the rules of the day.
We would also like to thank Trish and Peter Pitts who have been at the club a few times this month tidying up the borders.
Board of directors